Tuesday, 20 June 2017


We began by having a group discussion on ideas that we can protest about , we then created a spider gram of ideas of things we could protest on. 

This was useful because enable use to expand on our ideas. Some of the ideas we came up with were poverty and UK stabbings. However in our second group discussion  we changed our idea and decided to do a protest song.

I think it made sense for us use to do this because it was so close to the general election and the results of the election will effect us as a group and the audiance. 

We chose to protest on the side of Labour because we agreed with their policy. They also don't want to privetise the NSH because it will be harder for those who really need to be treated to have the money to do so and they also want free education, which will benifit our target audience. 

We chose students at Westminster Kingsway College as our target audience because if Laybor wines we think it will benifit our generation for the better. therefore to reach out to colleges students is a good thing as some are at the age to vote to vote.

We also planned out the location of our performance the original plan was to arrange it in the middle of King's Cross Saint Pancreas station however we had not notify the local authority, in a few months time before hand and we only had 3 hard working weeks till are performance. 

This didn't stop us we used our rehearsal room that could still fit the right amount of people which could come up to 25-30 and it also had our equipment already set in the roon so we didn't have to move anything. Since it took a long time to come up with lyrics and as a band we had to develop it over the weeks it was harder to learn them however we still had to perform.

When our audience came in we gave them a warm welcome to our short peace show we simply told them the reason for this song which was to get them to vote for Labour and how it effects our generation. 

The lyrics that was being sang by me and the other singers it had a consistent effect of the lyrics "VOTE FOR LABOUR" that had the audience singing along to it this ensureed that they took the message home. 

On a serious not "DO ME A FAVOUR VOTE FOR LABOUR" 

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