Tuesday, 18 October 2016


For this whole unit I have learn that one of the fist things you as an individual should be looking at is my independent learning of my role and parts, this would mean not only should I be doing rehearsals at college, however at home as well or even some free time of mine this would simply brig the whole peace together and would also make some individuals stand out and not not only that but this will bring ideas that may make our bands song much better by adding in changes.

There are so manny things to think about when it comes to reliability in rehearsals well I mean people  are bound to be late or absent , and as a performer you would have to learn to deal with the situations like that for example at one point our drummer wasn't in due to her being sick so we as a group had to come up with a plan to reherls with out her through that I had the idea that on the keyboard I could set a time metronome, to keep everyone in time this was good for it gave us hope that we could keep our band in a good order.

Another thing with bands is the level of communications skills and how we as a band will interact with each other because its good to build a relationship however this can be hard for you will have to take on other responsibilities such as tacking others members of the bands details such as. Phone numbers,Emails, or even on social media usage , just by having a good communication level will be good however some in our band may not be comfortable and as a band you would have to respect there wishes,however a result this lead to a panic on the day of are performance as we didn't know where are drummer was to be honest everyone is to blame in a situation like that for if we had any sort of contact it could have been prevented however everyone should be responsible for there own actions.

One thing that should be on your mind besides thinking about what your playing and how your playing it but how the audience is being effected and if your performance is being delivered well however this dose not mean as a singer you should be running around on stage but to either be calm and composed, for example are performance I felt like the way we was set on stage are lead singer should have kept the attention all on her I feel like this will make the audience to be phicly attracted to her and through that they will then be able to focus on the lyrics and and you would just be able to feel the song along with it , there is so much that can be done in the topic of engagement with the audience such as encouraging them to get involved an example of this would be rather the song will have to be up beat in its tempo or even to be at a steady pace e.g. a {4/4} beat through this you could introduce clapping where in that case the audience will not be able to contain them selfs and would apply join in.

Besides all theses things one of the mean topics to think about is the contribution to the musical arrangements so this would mean if you put a part of your idea of the song in the peace for me this came in rehearsal wiles there was a brake and at first it sounded empty for it was only the drums playing so I simply asked the band members if they could listen to my idea so I told them about how it sounded and by putting a just a few cords it could make the whole thing sound so much better so, after the talk I then decided to see what cords I would be able to play and even if are other keyboardist would be able to play a harmony to it, so I listened to the song oneness more then I thought the cords should be C,D,and E, doing that brake with the drummer, after a few practice individually we then played together and right after we was done we as a band could see how much we have improved, and for my self I could see how it also gave me the idea of leadership.

Through out this whole unit 2 I think it took leadership thats why are performance was very successful I do feel like everyone in the band showed some sort of skill of leadership for example sometimes I can understand going through something so manny times can be frustrating but in some situations people would take brakes and that gives off a careless attitude and this may cause you as a performer to put in less work if others are dong the same but to be a leader you would have to take charge in the correct manor and a serous way so that your fellow band members can recognise the hard work your willing to put in however you never want to be forceful because this can allow others in your band to work at all, but judging by our performance clearly theses leadership skills was put to good use.


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